I'm Noel Nevarez. Full-stack Web Developer with 10 years of experience using Microsoft technologies. I worked full-time through college at LSU to obtain my BS in Mechanical Engineering. I started in customer support, moved up to a support engineer, and then advanced to lead software programmer. I have experience in C#, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and SQL Server.
Programming is more than a job to me. I took the Full-stack program at Northwestern to ensure my knowledge base is up-to-date. I thrive when presented with challenges, like being part of a team, and am motivated to do my best work to help achieve the goals of my company. Through my experiences I have gained a wide variety of knowledge about technology and have worked my way up within a company. These skills, as well as my technical skills, allow me to better serve clients and see the bigger picture.
This project is a forum site where dads or dads to be can enter their questions or concerns and get responses from other dads. Authentication into the website will give the user access to add posts, make comments, like comments, and enter tasks to keep track of. This is built using Mongo DB (mongoose), React, Node, Express, Materialize, and Socket.IO.
This is a a full-stack MERN web application to search for books by title, view the books on the Google Books website, and save books to the database so they can be reviewed or purchased later. This is built using Mongo DB (mongoose), React, Node, Express, and Google Books API. Also utilizing Socket.IO to notify all users when a book is saved.
This is a single page video game themed memory game built using React, Node, Axios, Materialize, JQuery, and JQuery UI.
This is a mobile friendly full-stack web scraper application that scrapes the Chicago Tribune for news articles and displays the top 20 results on the main screen. Built using Node, Handlebars, Mongo DB, Express, and Axios.
Devvo is a playful, mobile friendly, devo themed task manager to help guide coders to prepare for coding interviews. Built with MySQL, Node, Express, Sequelize, Handlebars, Bootstrap, JQuery, Chart.js, and Date.js. This application follows the MVC design pattern. Node and MySQL are used to query and route data into the application, and Handlebars is used to generate the HTML. Devvo was a group project designed and coded by four different people.
This is a mobile friendly full-stack burger logger built with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars, Bootstrap, JQuery and a homemade ORM. This application follows the MVC design pattern. Node and MySQL are used to query and route data into app, and Handlebars is used to generate the HTML.
An online multiplayer rock paper scissors game utilizing a firebase realtime database. Includes an online chat.
A video game themed trivia game made using bootstrap, javascript, and jQuery. Utilizing setInterval and setTimeout to run repeating and delayed functions.
Star wars RPG game made using bootstrap, javascript, and jQuery to move html elements and modify their attributes.
An Amazon-like storefront with a MySQL database and Node Command Line Interface (CLI). The app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory. There will also be a manager CLI to view product sales and manage inventory and a supervisor CLI to view sales by department and create new departments.
A Hawaiian themed word guess game. Made using bootstrap and javascript.
Retrieving gifs using the Giphy API based on topics selected and displaying the gifs on the web page using jQuery. Storing favorites using local storage.